Imagine taking a mortgage for your shoes!!! Seriously, I actually saw more than a pair here where you can borrow on a yearly plan.
Also seen: a superman costume for 50R$ (worth USD 10 or 12 at Walmart in the US); a simple couscous for 29R$ (maybe worth USD 3 in the US); the infamous running shoes for 999.99R$ (maybe for 100 or 150 in the US); a typical Matel toy car for 30R$ (maybe going for 5 to 7 in the US), the DVD of the movie Rio for 80R$, a can opener - the camping type, the type that is really small, hard to manage and holds in the hand - for 25R$... The list is longer.
The good thing is that these high prices are for a good cause - taxation, where hopefully the money goes back to the people. (we can talk about the corruption another time/post). And it is a good way it encourage the consumption of the "made in Brazil" things, encouraging the local economy (because most commonly used things have a cheaper version. But that is limited to things Brasilian actually like using (unlike balsamic vinegar or wasabi sauce). The other good thing is the limitation of consumption to the essential and therefore the limitation of waste and pollution. And always a good chance to ask ourselves if we really need a fourth pairs of trainers.
The bad thing is that certain things might be unavoidable once we settle down in our new place, and I am afraid of the bill (and the fact that the least expensive is of really poor quality). I could not allow myself or indulge myself in some of the usual "luxuries" I have in the past. Not that I ever imagined couscous being a luxury actually. But there are things that are not going to be part of our budget here.
It also means that our visitors will be carrying special requests for us, and that our suitcases will be filled with important and precious goods every time we travel out of the country. Watch me import couscous and balsamic vinegar and maple sirup!!!
For info the real is currently value at about R$ 2 for USD 1 - so make the math.

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