The kids were excited, as they have become circus experts this summer. Indeed, during our holiday in Bretagne (France) we took them to a local circus, the Circus Zavatta (sorry I can't find much about them, there are 17 circus named Zavatta in France)... Dubbed as a "traditional circus", it tours the villages of the region during the summer. Its crew of a dozen artists and as many

Indeed, at (almost) 3 and 5, my kids are a discerning audience, as they have been treated to many visits to the Chaoyang Theatre Acrobatic show, next door to our Beijing place. Check the link to a few photos of their show to give you an idea of the impression this can leave on their fresh minds.
Fortunately, here in Brasilia, The Circus Tihany did not disappoint. In front of an audience of more than 500, with acrobatics, clowning, magic, dance and music, the show was well orchestrated, with a real Las Vegas shebang.

There was the required trapezes, juggling and some people been catapulted in the air. Clowns were funny - at least. A couple of artists walked on a rope - they were so at ease that it looked as if there was a trick. Lots of girls showing lots of legs while dancing. Along with the usual rabbit, hen and flowers, a motorcycle disappeared, then a car, then an helicopter appeared, while a pretty lady got transformed into a man. A flock of human-parrots flying up and down the big top. And some rumba, samba, salsa topped it all up.
Some small boys were really happy!

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