Monday, May 13, 2013

Preparing for the walk

Tonight, a bunch of us gathered at Miss E's house, who kindly offered to mix some caipis, to discuss the details of a special expedition. Similarly to an earlier yoga escapade, we are planning to escape our responsibilities for five nights, leave our darlings behind and put our lives in the hand of a cute guide to walk over a great number of km around a remote area of the province of Bahia on a historical trail called Chapada da Diamantina. This is a hike entirely set in a out-of-cellphone-network-coverage area (How many of you have done this recently - gone entirely offline for a few days?).
Despite my ski boot, I have to admit I am quite excited. We discussed very important details - like the hiring of a mule or not (general consensus is positive), the size of the backpack and the type of water container to carry. A number of elements still need further clarification - will we need to carry the week's worth of provision among ourselves (or the mule might?), will we have possibilities for showers along the way? will we carry our whole day worth of water? Should we take along a pocket knife or a flashlight? We also discussed the relevance of a nail cutter and tweezers. I also sensed some doubts about my capacity to recover promptly enough to successfully complete this hike, but it happily provided everyone with a great excuse to hire this mule, with its capacity to carry my dead body if ever so the circumstance requires it.
Yesterday night, we were nine moms getting excited to follow the steps of some gold diggers. With the difference that we will probably walk around like a bunch of girls freed from their daily responsibilities: enthusiastically. The caipis probably helped us forget about the future blisters.

Be reassured, I love my kids and my hubby, but my love resurface even stronger after moments like these, in the wild.

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