In Beijing it meant that the kids had two afternoons off every week; here it means their schedule is compressed into a long morning, and consequently free afternoons everyday. They also have a week or two off every eight weeks, to prevent or limit stress on them. I am not sure if there is no stress involved for the kids - with changes of routine, parents who are not always able to free themselves for holidays or with friends traveling away - or for the parents who are trying to figure out how to entertain their offsprings. But in any cases, as I am now home alone with them, with Paul gone for on a two weeks intensive language learning, I have even more intention to find interesting activities for my two Energizer-boys.
Last year in Beijing, I had organized some art activity at home and invited a few small friends over. This year, I was fortunate enough to meet the right person at the right time. Deborah, a sweet Brasilian artist, was the perfect person to come in assistance. I loved her paintings and she has proven to be excellent with kids. Her reputation is preceding her. No surprise as she was a teacher at this special cool school for a few years until recently.
We had a couple of sessions already, Monday and today. Kids love her and love doing their little work. And me too!

Not quite sure which hand yet...

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